The Female Quotient:
Inclusive Lounge Experiences
Work cohesively alongside the events team to design experiential event collateral for large scale lounge experiences.. The Female Quotient engages participants to have the conversation about gender equality in the workforce and what that means for business owners, employees and the hiring staff. Backed by a belief that men and women are equal, this was the basis for starting the quality lounge! Lounges are heard at events such as Cannes Film Festival, Davos in Switzerland and AdWeek in NY, as well as small in-house lounge at Google, Facebook and NBC.
Lead design on the inaugural ambassador program for the Girls’ Lounge for college campuses starting in 2019.. This included custom package design for the swag box. FQ clothing, and pamphlets/collateral for on campus lounges.
Initiated packaging and product rendering updates to the Shopify accounts for both .COM and on-site at the lounge experiences.
Partnered with product development on the UX/UI design for an in-conference app experience. This allowed for participants to provide feedback about inequality/workforce dynamics anonymously that could be used as research for lounges that were held within companies. I.e used at Google Lounges, as well as Facebook HQ.
Designs Include: Product Rendering, Brand Adaptations, Poster Design, Digital Design, Event Promotions, Promotional Materials, Design Iteration across Mediums, MailChimp Email Design, UX/UI Interface Design
All photos are property of The Female Quotient and are not to be digitally downloaded, reused, altered or taken from this website.